Marketing and Event Solutions for Technology Companies in the Public Sector
We support technology companies in Spain, Portugal and Italy with content marketing services and strategic meetings, connecting experts and technology managers in the public sector to drive innovation and foster partnerships.

Customized content marketing strategies for the Public Sector
Boost your presence in the public sector with our customized marketing services. At TendersTool we develop barometers and reports that analyze technological trends in the administrations, in addition to offering presentations and events that connect your company with the main players in the public sector, increasing your visibility and business opportunities.
Exclusive events to boost your strategy in the Public Sector
At TendersTool we organize specialized meetings that bring together key players in the public and technology sector. From innovative trends in TIC Trends, to the debate on cybersecurity in Public Administration with TIC Cyber, to talent management with TIC Talent, our events are designed to provide strategic insights and foster high-value connections.

Our Content Marketing services
Improve your results and your strategic positioning as a supplier to public administrations.
Public Sector ICT Observatories
The objective is to provide detailed information on trends, awards, winning companies, emerging technologies and digitization strategies adopted by public administrations.
Case Study
Detailed and specific report on the subject selected by the client.
White paper
Desk Research through our platform with information of interest on everything related to procurement and ICT projects of the Public Administrations.
Analyst presentations
Access our analysts.
Presentations at strategic level with our clients' steering committees.
Our events
Improve your results and your strategic positioning as a supplier to public administrations.
TIC Trends
An exclusive gathering that brings together distinguished profiles from the Public Sector to unravel the key innovative trends and technology investments that are shaping the future. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, TIC TRENDS promises a total immersion in the emerging technology landscape.
ICT Cyber
This face-to-face event is designed to immerse participants in the critical world of cybersecurity in Public Administration. By facilitating a meeting between cybersecurity experts and technology leaders from Public Administrations, TIC CIBER will provide deep insights and practical solutions to address digital security challenges.
ICT Talent
Immerse yourself in the reflection and debate on talent management in public administration at TIC TALENT. In a digital era where technological transformation demands highly trained and motivated personnel, this event focuses on exploring strategies to attract, retain and enhance talent in public agencies.
Forum PA
At the ForumPA meeting, the major projects of the Italian public administration, the national initiatives, the experiences of the most successful local authorities and the leading companies in the sector are presented.
Tailor-made events
Events designed to create value, strengthen digital security in the public sector and promote technological development through public-private collaboration.
Executive Events
Private breakfasts or lunches with a single sponsor, guaranteeing an exclusive environment without distractions.
Roundtable discussion with the participation of key representatives of the public sector, ensuring high-level conversations.
Quality networking, promoting synergies and opportunities for collaboration in technological innovation and digitization.
Marketing and strategic events for technology companies in the industry and public sector
At TendersTool we design marketing strategies and organize exclusive meetings that highlight your technology company in the public sector. We create high-value content, such as whitepapers, case studies and barometers, and promote strategic events that connect experts and technology managers in the public sector. We position your brand as a leader in innovation and technology, increasing your visibility and generating new business opportunities in this competitive market.

They trust us
Our customers talk about
Adjudicaciones TIC, is a very useful tool to manage the business with the Public Sector, since we have the announcements of tenders and awards of each day with two clicks and also provides statistics by type of products tendered and awarded, and by organizations and companies. We have undoubtedly gained in competitiveness as an ICT supplier to the Public Sector.
TIC Adjudications is the perfect tool that every sales person working with the Public Administration needs. It provides the necessary information to make a perfect follow-up of the tenders as well as precise information of the awards in a client that allows you to plan your commercial strategy. All this in an easy, simple and evident way. After seven years working with them, I would also like to highlight how year after year they have been improving the solution and incorporating new functionalities based on listening to all the users. Keep it up!
We have been working with AdjudicacionesTIC for 2 years. Thanks to the platform we have timely information on tenders, awards as well as statistics that allow us to have a vision of the market that helps us in our day to day.
We appreciate this work.
I would like to highlight, beyond the value that AdjudicacionesTIC provides with all the information and the different services and unique features it offers, two aspects that for me are very relevant after several years of collaboration. On the one hand, the differential of the analytical capacity it represents with a holistic vision of business and technology, and beyond the reports themselves, as knowledge in action, and on the other hand, the excellence and professional and human quality of the team behind it.
There are many companies that are dedicated to provide bid notification service, but is the only one, with a great online search engine, and with a simple click at any time and place, provides information on current tenders, as well as the awards of recent months, with valuable information such as successful bidder, discount percentages, etc...
It is also sensational how easy it is to make very complete sectorial and geographical reports.