The total investment in the personal computer sector (laptops and PCs) in the Public Administration has reached 256.44 M€ during 2024. Below are some of the most notable contracts:
01/03/2024: He Telecommunications and Information Technology Centre of the Generalitat of Catalonia awards the service of provision and maintenance of laptop computers for educational centers of the Department of Education to Telefonica Group for an amount of €54.64M , matching the tender amount. 💻
05/22/2024: The Digital Agency of Andalusia awards the supply of technological elements for citizen training (Next Gen, C.19, I.1) to the Telefonica Group for an amount of €5.59M , matching the tender amount. 📱
04/25/2024: Engineering and Transport Economics (INECO) awards the framework agreement for the supply of computers to Telefonica Group for an amount of 5.51 M€ , while the tender amount was €5.89M . 💼
This report provides a detailed overview of the main investment projects in PCs and laptops, the most relevant agencies and contractors and the geographical distribution of these contracts, giving you a clear perspective of the current trends in the sector. 🌍